As a soul transitioning into the afterlife, Senza Peso shepherds you on a spiritual journey through a beautifully dark world of lost souls and redemption. Based on a short film mini-opera by Cory Strassburger & Alain Vasquez.
This is an enhanced re-release of the highly regarded 2014 VR experience that has been a go-to showpiece for many.
Viewer Comments:
"This is hands down the most visually impressive demo possible in the Oculus Rift right now! Seriously, if you have a rift, STOP RIGHT NOW AND PLAY THIS. - emart
"this was like artwork.....i felt like i visited a museum i can see this being an episodic experience people subscribe to and anticipate considering the rapid release dates” -phillypro
"Majestic. As. F*ck.” -p1mpslappington
"wow... just wow. this is it's a small world taken to the next level.” - jayoh
"dudes.. we need more of such spiritual experiences! nobody has words for how impressive this mini opera is.” - KrisTiasMusic