No instructions, no timer Ok i get the escape but no instructions on whats going on, no timer but u run out of time in a prison ur locked in for ever ? How does work?
Then u blow blocks up but nothing , there is some pads u land on and they make a sound but i press all buttons and nothing happens , besides the magnet that brings the piece of code and the hard bomb amd the energy bomb which ar activared by middle finger or up or down besides that nothing else happens ajd it says use code during the escape but how do we use code and wher do we use it ?
Idk how the first review she sa8d one part she understood what to do but she didjt say she escaped so im guessing she figured what each item does and kilped evrything, but i doubt she escaped i th8nk she would ,mentioned she did ,
Some type of training level to teach how tp use the code and the wrist menu thing just doesnt stay on it blinks on and off evry once in a while. And a visible timer so id mention "u are racing the clock tp escape " instead of we are locked up for ever type deal yall got going on,
Ok so i read ur answer to her comment i collected all the orbes amd as soon as i got the last one 8 died like time time ran out so use the code in the store to upgrqde i have not seen any store or a way to upgrade i even got the 10 x stronger and the other 2 , but no way to use it