#Archery brings out your inner archer in a way you have never seen before! Make pizzas, sell ice cream, deliver newspapers and much more - all with bow&arrow like there is no tomorrow!
Imagine waking up one day and having to do basically everything with a bow and arrow. Crazy right? Well, that is what happened to you and now you need to live your life accordingly. Play your way through your various work days where you sell ice cream to kids, make vegetarian pizzas, deliver newspapers, chop wood, catch fish, destroy someones lawnmower and various other shenanigans. We don’t judge, but we certainly encourage you to destroy EVERYTHING! After all - you’re the master of #Archery in VR. Don’t try this IRL.
VRUnicorns is a bunch of game jammers from Europe. We fancy making quirky semi-realistic room scale VR sports games with a touch of grotesque humor.