Serene, beautiful and explorative.Jul 15, 2017 at 3:40 PM When the the adrenaline fueled zombie rampages are over, what better way to unwind than piloting a balloon peacefully through a pretty low-poly landscape with hidden depths? There's more on offer here than first meets the eye, and while there are some clues, the game won't hold your hand and tell you how everything works. Pay careful attention to your balloon, the landscape and the collectables, and it'll reward you with mystereous new areas and features for your balloon. Controls are simple for anyone to understand (look down for hints), but still require skill. For my taste, I'd like to be able to rise/fall a little faster, but I understand how that might make some folks motion sick. Keep an eye on your climb/drop meter and you'll understand the controls faster. I was genuinely surprised how much I liked this, and how compelling it felt to keep hunting down those elusive collectables.
Chris Underwood