I've been through the experience once, and really just sat back and let it all sink in. The first part (No spoilers here), is really well done, and makes you just think about who you are, and what you're doing. The second part (again spoiler free, I hope), makes you take a look outside of yourself, and just be. The third part (maybe no spoilers), makes you see things a little differently, the "planting" slingshot was a good touch. The fourth scene (a little spoiler, maybe?), was very refreshing, and I loved the "bullet time" rain; and when it was nearing the end, I just held my arms straight out, and looked into the sky. The fifth, and last (did I count right?) scene, really put some 'light' (pun intended) into the subject. For me, it was a beautiful and moving experience. There's no violence necessary, and you just have to have an open, and wondering mind. As we near the end of the review, I would like to say a little about myself, and about a couple of other (yet similar) peices of work. As of right now, I don't get out of the house much, and it started WAY before the quarentene, with that in mind, I use tools like VR and my PC to take me into, or out to, different places, like where you can just stand on a beach flying a stunt kite, or, where you can be in a movie theater, and things like that; So for me it's as much a getaway, as getting out into the real world is for me right now. The other things that may tie into this are "Ready Player One' and "Can you hear me" The second one by Korn and the music video available on YouTube.
I'd like to end with a thought: Be the masters of your technology, don't let them master you.