The most awarded narrative Virtual Reality experience is finally available on Oculus Rift, Arte Experience presents Notes On Blindness, an emotional journey into a world beyond sight.
This Oculus Rift version offers positional tracking and controller interaction. Graphics have been significantly improved for a strongest immersion.
In 1983, after decades of steady deterioration, John Hull became totally blind. To help him make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began documenting his experiences on audio cassette. These original diary recordings form the basis of this interactive non-fiction narrative using new forms of storytelling to explore a cognitive and emotional experience of blindness.
Produced by Ex Nihilo, Arte France in co-production with Archer’s Mark. Executive Producer, Novelab Audiogaming. Supported by TFI New Media Fund and Ford Foundation – JustFilms, CNC and Région Midi-Pyrénées.