This Game Changed MeSep 18, 2022 at 8:28 AM OMG how profound can you GET?!! The wokeness is REAL, y'all... since playing this last week, I've hired a tattoo artist to cover my body and face in racially ambiguous ink, bought some Instaboob pills, and scheduled a procedure to turn my hot dog into a bun. I've changed my legal name to Leslie, my gender to Yes, and my orientation to What's Trending.
Seriously, though...I don't think I've ever seen a more laughably skewed piece of consumable propaganda. i mean it's an honorable, if deeply misguided, notion, it's just very VERY poorly executed. Every single interaction is scripted to dole out White-Male Guilt and divide us as human beings... there's enough of that in our daily lives already, thanks to libs and BMm-types...for God's sake, we HAVE LAWS protecting against this crap, and i think it's safe to say the horse is very, very dead by now. I grew up in the DEEEP South where liberal media and stunts like this have had little to no effect on individuals.... however, I can also say I never witnessed a single instance of racism in any govt or commercial establishment. We are poor, hovering just above the poverty line, and had NO, NONE, ZERO NAUGHT of the "privileges" that this biased, prejudiced app is trying to convince me I've had my whole life. i work in the military/federal govt construction market, where there are contracts set aside for Woman-owned, Native American-owned, and Minority-Owned (meaning any race that isn't while) companies. These companies get grants, loans forgiven, and a ton of other perks for not being white. Is that what you mean by privilege, Devs? Maybe you mean the privilege of scholarships and grants; there are SO, SO many for minorities, LGBTQ, but all of my children are white. Can you point me in the direction of financial aid for them based on the color of their skin?? Only when we can stop pointing out our differences stop propping up distinctive sections of peoples can we really start getting close to something resembling equality.