Facebook Refund Payment Instructions
Note: This process is for customers located outside of the United States and Canada.
To make sure that your refund is processed correctly, all fields of this form must be completed in English. Failure to complete the form in English may cause the form to be rejected, which in turn could delay your refund.
To help ensure that your refund is processed as quickly and as accurately as possible, please review the information below to understand how to fill out each part of the form.
Select your refund type:
Bank Information Form
Bank Information Form Instructions
Facebook has partnered with Concentrix / Western Union Business Solutions to issue your refund via international electronic payment. If you do not have a bank account, please consider submitting the Cash Pickup form instead.
Field Name | Translation | Instructions | Example |
Serial Number | Serial Number | Your Serial Number is in the email notification you received from Concentrix. Copy the notification number from the email and paste it into the form field. | 1WMVR4A4JP1071 |
Bank country | Bank country | Select the country in which your bank branch is located. | Canada |
Currency | Currency | Select the currency in which you would like to receive your refund. | Canadian Dollar |
Name of Bank Account Holder | Name of Bank Account Holder | Enter name of bank account holder. Keep in mind that the name must exactly match the name on the bank account. Please contact your bank if you’re unsure. | John Smith |
Bank Name | Bank Name | Enter name of your bank. Please contact your bank if unsure. | RBC Royal Bank |
Bank Address | Bank Address | Enter street address of bank branch. Please contact your bank if unsure. | 443 University Ave, |
Bank City | Bank City | Enter City of bank branch. Please contact your bank if unsure. | Toronto |
Bank Postal Code | Bank Postal Code | Enter zip/postal code of your bank branch. Please contact your bank if unsure. | M5G 2H6 |
Payee Contact Details
Field Name | Translation | Instructions | Example |
Country | Country | Select your country of residence. | Canada |
First Name | First Name | Enter your first name. | John |
Last Name | Last Name | Enter your last name. | Smith |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth | For identification purposes, please provide your date of birth. | 7/8/1990 |
Please enter the same email address as used in the application. | Johnsmith@mailprovider.com | ||
Address | Address | Enter the Street address of your residence. | 443 University Ave |
City | City | Enter City of residence | Toronto |
Postal Code | Postal Code | Enter zip/postal code of your residence. | M5G 2H6 |
Telephone | Telephone | Enter your phone number. | +1 416-974-2159 |
Note: You will receive a confirmation email once a payment has been made to the bank account you have provided. Please note that entering incorrect account information may result in a delay or loss of funds. If account information is entered incorrectly, you must notify Western Union Business Solutions via epayvendormanagement@westernunion.com.
Facebook and Western Union Business Solutions claim no liability for any refunds submitted using erroneous account information entered by the user.
Cash Pickup Form
Cash Pickup Form Instructions
Facebook has partnered with Concentrix / Western Union Business Solutions to issue your refund in cash at a local Western Union Agent.
You are eligible for this option if:
- Western Union Retail locations are available in your country, please click Agent Locator to find an agent. Please Note: Retail locations are not available in Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Iran, Nigeria, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Venezuela.
- You have government issued identification. Please Note: Some countries may require two forms of government issued identification in order to collect funds.
Field Name | Translation | Instructions | Example |
Serial Number | Serial Number | Your Serial Number is in the email notification you received from Concentrix. Copy the notification number from the email and paste it into the form field. | 1WMVR4A4JP1071 |
Country | Country | Select the country in which you are located. Please note: If your country does not appear, there are no locations available. | Canada |
Currency | Currency | Select the currency in which you would like to receive your refund. | Canadian Dollar |
State/Province | State/Province | Select state/province you are located in | Ontario |
Payee Contact Details
Field Name | Translation | Instructions | Example |
Legal First (and Middle) Name(s) As Shown On Your ID | Legal First (and Middle) Name(s) As Shown On Your ID | Enter your first name exactly as it appears on your ID | John |
Legal Last Name(s) As Shown On Your ID | Legal Last Name(s) As Shown On Your ID | Enter your last name exactly as it appears on your ID. | Smith |
Please enter the same email address as used in the application. | Johnsmith@mailprovider.com | ||
Address | Address | Enter the Street address of your residence. | 443 University Ave |
City | City | Enter City of residence | Toronto |
Postal Code | Postal Code | Enter zip/postal code of your residence. | M5G 2H6 |
Note: You will receive an email notification containing a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) which must be taken with you to collect the funds. Facebook and Western Union Business Solutions claim no liability for any disbursement using erroneous information entered by the user.